Traversing fields with spectacular mountain and valley views and tucking into mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, the winter trails carry cross country skiers and snowshoers through many habitats that host wildlife. Tracks reveal the presence of: coyote, red fox, snowshoe hare, red squirrel and ruffed grouse. Mixed flocks of year-round resident birds: black-capped chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker and brown creeper momentarily break the quietude with their song as they forage for food. The landscape in winter is based in white, black and gray. Subtle shades of blue, purple, gold and green are picked out by the low rays of sunlight that illuminate twigs, bark, moss, lichen and stone.
Mid May, the beginning of the Spring hiking season, is full of new life. Fiddleheads and spring wildflowers - trout lily, spring beauty, red trillium and blue cohosh - color the woodlands before the tree canopy has leafed out. The blossoms of apple trees and highbush cranberry shrubs attract bees and birds - bees to gather the pollen and birds, such as cedar waxwing and northern oriole, to eat the petals.
Enjoy the beautiful color and song of Eastern bluebirds as they make their nest in natural tree cavities or in specially designed nest boxes put out for them. By late May, most of the migratory bird species have returned and fill the air with song: northern yellowthroat, chestnut-sided warbler, and white-throated sparrow in the orchards and pastures at the High Ponds Farm; and hermit thrush, golden-crowned kinglet and many warbler species in the conifer forest above the Bear Paw Pond Area.
The summer hiker may enjoy an array of habitats to suit the day. A hike up to the top of Burnt Mountain reveals wonderful views of the cliffs of Sugarloaf Mountain, the "Notch" and many peaks of the northern Green Mountains. A picnic in the High Meadow lets the hiker take in views to Jay Peak, and Big and Little Jay Mountains.
The beaver ponds become ever alive with the hatching and maturing of amphibians - frogs, salamanders; and aquatic insects - dragonflies and damselflies. Last summer, we enjoyed the presence of an extended family of beaver: the mother, her two yearling beavers and her two new born beavers. If one travels further up the Beaver Ponds Trail toward Sugar Hill, the songs of rose-breasted grosbeak, scarlet tanager, wood pewee and black-throated blue warbler continue even through the heat of the day.
As the temperatures cool and the days shorten, an early to midday hike at this time of the year shows mounds of late summer wildflowers - Joe Pye weed, goldenrods, asters, boneset - in shades of pink, purple, yellow and white. This is the time of year that there are the most numbers of birds and animals, as the new young grow and learn the skills needed to live on their own. Tracks and scat reveal the presence of white-tailed deer, moose, bear; and for the stealthy walker even sightings of these animals may be had.
An invigorating hike to the summit of Burnt Mountain after a frost has triggered the color changes in the forest takes the hiker through stands of hobblebush with purple leaves, mountain woodfern which turns a golden straw color amidst a grove of paper white birch and brilliant blue skies.